When Your Shirt Become Your Dress


In my head shirts means formality. But it’s in that point that designers become fascinating. There are varied models: with squares, simple, short-sleeved, long-sleeved, to the taste of each one. Not a hard look to accomplish, and when the shirt is simple we can always invest in accessories and in my case in the socks. It was a pretty fresh OUTFIT, which became perfect for this sunny day. What did you think? Would you change anything?

Na minha cabeça camisas significa formalidade. Mas é mesmo aí que os designers tornam-se fascinantes. Os modelos são variados, aos quadrados, simples, manga curta ou comprida, bem ao gosto de cada um. Não é um look difícil de fazer, e quando a camisa é simples podemos sempre investir nos acessórios e, no meu caso, nas meias. Foi um OUTFIT bem fresco, o que se tornou perfeito para o dia de sol que estava. O que acharam? Mudariam alguma coisa?


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  1. looks amazing! as much as I love the shirtdress those tights and boots make the outfit for me

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love pics 🙂 That is funny and a great idea

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think the outfit is great, I would wear it too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There are so many times I have seen girls wearing this and I think about it, but never followed through! I love how you pull it off! Adorable leggings as well!

    Esther G

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the whole outfit but my favorite thing is the Bunnny tights!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You successfully slayed this outfit. Definitely an overall effortlessly chic look. And I agree with the other commenters those bunny suspender tights are so much yessssss!

    Please check out my latest post: You dress cute…we get it! But what else do you do?



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